A product like ginger is often used to increase sexual performance. Its benefits and harms have long been studied and proven.
Recipes for preparing ginger for potency in men suffering from male impotence are used when traditional medicine is ineffective.

The composition and benefits of the plant
Ginger root for men is often used in therapy in conjunction with traditional treatment methods. The composition of the medicinal plant contains many useful substances. Ginger root consists of:
- caffeic acid (eliminates inflammation of a different nature);
- nicotinic acid (helps improve blood quality, dilates blood vessels and eliminates the effects of intoxication);
- linoleic acid (normalizes the functioning of the body);
- tryptophan (calms the nervous system, relieves insomnia and makes a person more resistant to stress);
- leucine and other amino acids;
- vitamins of groups A, B, C;
- Trace elements (especially magnesium and zinc, which the reproductive system needs).
The substances that make up the plant and that affect the patient's condition also serve as a preventive measure for the development of prostatitis and other male diseases.
The effect on the potency of ginger root has been proven for a long time and today there are a large number of recipes with it.
folk methods
Ginger is used to increase potency in various preparations. Treatment with ginger root begins with small amounts in order to exclude the development of an allergic reaction or to avoid worsening of the patient's condition.
If the base is ginger root, then you can prepare tinctures and decoctions, tea collections and marinades, and some advise simply chewing the root.
Important! Before being treated with this plant, you need to undergo a full examination and consult a specialist to find out how the product is useful and whether it will help.
Ginger has a beneficial and gentle effect on potency and creates immunity to various diseases.
As a standalone product
This is the simplest and easiest recipe for making a medicine. A small piece of ginger root should be thoroughly chewed daily without drinking anything. This will strengthen the immune system and increase the "degree" in relation to the second half, since the product is a powerful aphrodisiac.
You can dry the ginger root and grind it into a fine powder. 1 tablespoon powder for daily use on an empty stomach as a remedy for male impotence. You can mix the powder with honey.

Recipe with honey
The recipe for preparing a medicinal composition with ginger and adding honey is quite simple. Fresh ginger root or powder can be mixed with honey and kept in a dark place or in the refrigerator for several weeks. It is necessary to take such a remedy in the evening for 1 tsp. before sleep
You can also mix 200 grams of honey with 200 grams of ginger root and add a few ripe lemons. The mixture can be added to tea leaves and taken daily with the addition of tea.
Ginger and honey perfectly tonify, increase immunity and are good at dealing with problems in the male part. In addition, these are very tasty recipes.
nettle recipe
There is a medicinal formulation that combines ginger root with nettle seeds for potency. To make such a drug you will need:
- 40 grams of nettle seeds;
- 40 grams of honey;
- 20 g ginger root and lemon.
All ingredients are mixed in a deep bowl and stirred thoroughly. Then the resulting composition is transferred to a sterile glass jar and closed with a clean lid.
The shelf life of the drug is no more than two weeks. Take ginger in this form, you need 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Nettle is generally very useful for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. There are a variety of recipes using the seeds and leaves of the plant, as well as various infusions that are commonly used to improve men's health.
drink recipe
From ginger, honey and lemon, you can prepare a tasty and powerful remedy that will not only increase the level of sexual relations, but also strengthen the immune system. Both men and women can take this tincture.
So you need 300 grams of ginger root, which must be thoroughly washed and dried well. After the root dries, it is passed through a meat grinder. Then 1 medium-sized lemon is taken, ripe, yellow. You can replace it with two small limes.
They are also thoroughly washed and dried and, without removing the peel, scroll through a meat grinder. Then both ingredients are mixed in a clean bowl until smooth. Ginger and lemon add 4 tbsp. honey and mix well again.
The drink must be infused at room temperature for a day. The ingredients release the juice to be taken a good 20 minutes before intercourse. It is best to keep the drink in the fridge.
Vodka tincture
The use of alcohol as a tincture sometimes enhances the effects of ginger as a medicine to treat male ailments. The remedy is the most effective of all existing in folk recipes.
You will need 400 g of ginger root, which must be thoroughly washed and dried, and then chopped and poured with 0. 5 liters of vodka. The tincture is prepared in a glass or ceramic bowl.
Ginger tincture on vodka should be infused in a dark cool place for three weeks. Then the composition is filtered and taken according to the scheme: 30 ml three times a day before meals. Such a tincture is a storehouse of the most useful trace elements and vitamins, the root retains all the useful properties in this preparation.
Marinade with ginger root
This way of using ginger came to us from Japan. Ginger and potency are very closely related terms in this country. There, men consume a pickled product every day to improve erectile function. And numerous reviews about this product indicate that the tool is very effective and effective.
Preparing the root in this way is quite simple. First, it is well washed and cleaned. Then cut into thin slices and fall asleep 1 tsp. Salt.
Mix well and leave for about an hour. At this time, a glass and a half of vinegar and a glass of sugar are taken. After mixing the ingredients, place on the stove and bring to a boil.
The resulting sauce should be brewed with root slices and infused for a day.
Treatment with such a treat is not only effective, but also tasty. In addition, it can be used as an exotic addition to well-known dishes.
To increase potency in men, there is a huge number of products with ginger, but, despite all the positive properties, this plant root also has contraindications to use.
In particular, drinks and tinctures with ginger are contraindicated in patients:
- gastric ulcer; gastric ulcer;
- hypertension and cardiovascular disease;
- with kidney stones;
- suffers from recurrent inflammation.
Before using ginger root as a medicine, it is necessary to consult your doctor.
Ginger for male potency is an excellent remedy, it is historically proven, its beneficial properties are widely known in alternative medicine.
Men suffering from impotence or erection problems should always have this useful product in the kitchen. Even without preparing special recipes and tinctures, you can use ginger as an original spice or prepare refreshing lemonades from it.